The Tranformer Blaster is a meduim ranged squirt pistol varient of the piston system. The Transformer Blaster is really four guns that can be combined into one. These four guns are two small squirt pistols, one medium squirt pistol, and one large squirt pistol that the other three can attach onto to where that the four guns are now one gun. This is called the Mega Blaster Mode. The two small guns fit into slots on the forward left and right sides. If they are not put in right, they will shoot out of the main gun. The meduim gun fits into a slot on the backish end of the gun on the top. The meduim won't shoot out of the main gun if put in incorrectly, but instead will (of course) just not work. The Main gun has two trigger, both on the bottom with handles. One of the triggers is under the place at where the smaller guns attach to the main gun. Not surspisingily, this trigger operates the two smaller blasters while the Transformer Blaster is in the Mega Blaster Mode. The Second Trigger is located under the main gun's water tank. And you guessed it, the second operates the Meduim gun and the Main gun while the Transformer Blaster is in the Mega Blaster Mode. The Transformer Blaster(this will from on on in this review will refer to the Transformer Blaster in the Mega Blaster Mode, because the Mega Blaster Mode is the general mode of the gun, and also to ease and very sore hands) has a small output and shot time. But the Soakage area of the gun combined with the very very long between refills go way beyond just making up for it. I mean, this gun will outshoot any that I have knowledge of. I know this because when I took the Transformer Blaster on a test run after I got it, It just amzed me how long it took for the entire gun to run out of ammo. And I was constantly firing it. Overall, The Transformer Blaster is a gun with a lot of potintial.